Baptism of Adults
How do I become a Catholic?
When someone wants to become a Catholic, the normal procedure is to make an appointment to go and see your local Catholic priest. You can try and get him after Sunday Mass, but he might be busy then, so it is probably better to telephone. When you see him, he will make you welcome and invite you to talk about your desire to become a Catholic.
What happens next depends partly on local circumstances, partly on how much faith background you have and of what type. Many parishes have a small group of Catholics and “enquirers” meeting together once a week for several months or longer to explore what being a Catholic means. At the end of this process, known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults those who wish and are ready become Catholics, usually at Easter.
Other parishes do not have the and arrange for one-to-one conversations with a priest or catechist. The needs of the enquirer are naturally
You are welcome to begin attending Mass at your local Catholic Church whenever you wish, though you would not be able to receive communion yet.
You are free to approach any priest anywhere, but it makes sense to go to your local Church, which will be most convenient for you if you do decide to become a Catholic.
Adult baptisms usually take place at Easter, although they can take place at other times of the year too.
Adults preparing for baptism have their own process of learning and growing in faith.
This is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a flexible process which typically takes 6-12 months.
For more information, please contact the parish priest.
When someone wants to become a Catholic, the normal procedure is to make an appointment to go and see your local Catholic priest. You can try and get him after Sunday Mass, but he might be busy then, so it is probably better to telephone. When you see him, he will make you welcome and invite you to talk about your desire to become a Catholic.
What happens next depends partly on local circumstances, partly on how much faith background you have and of what type. Many parishes have a small group of Catholics and “enquirers” meeting together once a week for several months or longer to explore what being a Catholic means. At the end of this process, known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults those who wish and are ready become Catholics, usually at Easter.
Other parishes do not have the and arrange for one-to-one conversations with a priest or catechist. The needs of the enquirer are naturally
You are welcome to begin attending Mass at your local Catholic Church whenever you wish, though you would not be able to receive communion yet.
You are free to approach any priest anywhere, but it makes sense to go to your local Church, which will be most convenient for you if you do decide to become a Catholic.
Adult baptisms usually take place at Easter, although they can take place at other times of the year too.
Adults preparing for baptism have their own process of learning and growing in faith.
This is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It is a flexible process which typically takes 6-12 months.
For more information, please contact the parish priest.