To the Members of our Parish
Dear brothers and sisters of Holy Cross Parish!
A word for those, who participate in the life of the parish and help its work:
From the bottom of my heart I thank you for the genuine faith and goodness, with which you build our parish. Your help is needed again very badly because our parish is growing and needs your caring presence and devotion. Remember, that by serving the church of Christ, also his smallest local parish, you serve Christ himself and you participate in his continuing work of redemption, which is carried out in the life of the church. In this there is nothing small or insignificant because the love of your heart with which you serve God and his children unites you firmly to the redeeming love of Christ.
A word for those, who have distanced themselves from the parish community and the sacraments:
Christ waits for us with love and fidelity. This love and fidelity becomes a reality in our own vocation, which is rooted to a life in unity with the sacraments of Christ and with prayer and the teachings of the Gospel.
Faith – if it is genuine – grows continually. For this growth it needs God’s plentiful grace, which becomes our portion, above all, in the sacraments of the Eucharist and penance. God also transmits this grace to us through other believers belonging to the parish. It is therefore important to participate in the life of the parish.
Dear brother or sister, if for some reason you are far from the sacraments of the church and from the life of the parish please accept this invitation to return to Christ. He has reserved incomparable treasures of grace for you in the Church, which is his body and the spiritual home of all God’s children. Your calling is to live completely in the power of faith and especially to be made holy by the sacrament of the Eucharist, and so become more and more like Christ. Don’t be satisfied with so little in your life of faith. You can expect new meaningful life and love from Christ. From him you can expect eternal life—a life that begins already now in union with him.
Beloved brother or sister, don’t allow just this world’s affairs to fill your soul, covering its deepest spiritual longings. Already now, supported with the spiritual life of Christ’s church and through the Word of God and the holy sacraments, you can taste Christ’s freeing, healing and all-changing power.
A word to all parishioners:
Beloved brothers and sisters, I deeply trust that God’s powerful grace is working in you. Because of this I express my wish that your devout contributions to our parish would continue to grow. I hope that the new and especially the younger parishioners would take responsibility for the upkeep of the parish. In addition to our main church in Tampere, our parish has two chapels: in Pietarsaari and in Vaasa. I hope that the chapel congregations will grow in faith, and that they will grow in unity, and that they may creditably witness to Christ in their own surroundings. We especially invite the Catholics living in the area of Vaasa to be a vibrant unity in the parish. It has become easier than before with the founding of a new chapel. Mass is celebrated in the chapel three times a month at present. From the beginning of September it will be celebrated every Sunday. In addition to Holy Mass there will be religion classes.
Request for help:
The parish has always been able to trust in its member’s financial aid according to need. Especially now when the parish has two chapels in addition to the church, our bookkeeping has become more and more challenging. We ask that the parishioners to seriously consider supporting the local parish financially with regular contributions. The best would be if the parish could be supported with monthly contributions through the bank. Our account information is included in this newsletter.
Thank you for your generosity. “God loves a cheerful giver” (2. Kor. 9:7)
Fr Tri Nguyen
Parish priest
A word for those, who participate in the life of the parish and help its work:
From the bottom of my heart I thank you for the genuine faith and goodness, with which you build our parish. Your help is needed again very badly because our parish is growing and needs your caring presence and devotion. Remember, that by serving the church of Christ, also his smallest local parish, you serve Christ himself and you participate in his continuing work of redemption, which is carried out in the life of the church. In this there is nothing small or insignificant because the love of your heart with which you serve God and his children unites you firmly to the redeeming love of Christ.
A word for those, who have distanced themselves from the parish community and the sacraments:
Christ waits for us with love and fidelity. This love and fidelity becomes a reality in our own vocation, which is rooted to a life in unity with the sacraments of Christ and with prayer and the teachings of the Gospel.
Faith – if it is genuine – grows continually. For this growth it needs God’s plentiful grace, which becomes our portion, above all, in the sacraments of the Eucharist and penance. God also transmits this grace to us through other believers belonging to the parish. It is therefore important to participate in the life of the parish.
Dear brother or sister, if for some reason you are far from the sacraments of the church and from the life of the parish please accept this invitation to return to Christ. He has reserved incomparable treasures of grace for you in the Church, which is his body and the spiritual home of all God’s children. Your calling is to live completely in the power of faith and especially to be made holy by the sacrament of the Eucharist, and so become more and more like Christ. Don’t be satisfied with so little in your life of faith. You can expect new meaningful life and love from Christ. From him you can expect eternal life—a life that begins already now in union with him.
Beloved brother or sister, don’t allow just this world’s affairs to fill your soul, covering its deepest spiritual longings. Already now, supported with the spiritual life of Christ’s church and through the Word of God and the holy sacraments, you can taste Christ’s freeing, healing and all-changing power.
A word to all parishioners:
Beloved brothers and sisters, I deeply trust that God’s powerful grace is working in you. Because of this I express my wish that your devout contributions to our parish would continue to grow. I hope that the new and especially the younger parishioners would take responsibility for the upkeep of the parish. In addition to our main church in Tampere, our parish has two chapels: in Pietarsaari and in Vaasa. I hope that the chapel congregations will grow in faith, and that they will grow in unity, and that they may creditably witness to Christ in their own surroundings. We especially invite the Catholics living in the area of Vaasa to be a vibrant unity in the parish. It has become easier than before with the founding of a new chapel. Mass is celebrated in the chapel three times a month at present. From the beginning of September it will be celebrated every Sunday. In addition to Holy Mass there will be religion classes.
Request for help:
The parish has always been able to trust in its member’s financial aid according to need. Especially now when the parish has two chapels in addition to the church, our bookkeeping has become more and more challenging. We ask that the parishioners to seriously consider supporting the local parish financially with regular contributions. The best would be if the parish could be supported with monthly contributions through the bank. Our account information is included in this newsletter.
Thank you for your generosity. “God loves a cheerful giver” (2. Kor. 9:7)
Fr Tri Nguyen
Parish priest