CATHOLIC RELIGION CLASS (Catechism) 2023/2024
Information about Catechism classes for school-aged Children
in our Parish from Tampere and the surroundings
Dear parents, your child/children can participate in the Catholic religion class either in our church building (A) or in school (B), if the Catholic religion class is being given in your child’s school.
A. Catholic religion class in our church building (2023/2024)
The Holy Cross Parish of Tampere offers the Catholic religious instruction during the school terms of 2023/2024 in our church building in Tampere at Amurinkuja 21. We invite all children and young people, who do not receive the Catholic religion class in their schools, to participate. Children come to the church about once a month on Saturday at 9:50 am.
These Saturdays of the 2023 autumn term and of the 2024 spring term are:
Sat 26.08.2023 Sat 20.01.2024
Sat 23.09.2023 Sat 17.02.2024
Sat 14.10.2023 Sat 16.03.2024
Sat 18.11.2023 Sat 20.04.2024
Sat 09.12.2023 Sat 18.05.2024
All school-aged children who do not participate in Catholic religious classes in their school are called to this Catechetical teaching.
Please note that children who live outside of Tampere also attend these classes.
It is my hope, that, in spite of the difficulties involved, parents will bring their children to these classes and help the children participate with willingness and joy. During these classes we try to build a Catholic identity and self-esteem, so that they will feel at home in the vast Catholic family. So I ask you, dear parents, to care for the seeds, which are sown during the classes. Please talk to your children about faith; pray with them; share your own thoughts and experiences and be a good example for them. Let us together try to be the living stones of Christ’s Church.
The program for the Saturday classes is as follows:
9.50 Gathering in the parish hall
10.00 Short prayer together in the church
10.05-10.50 First Lesson
10.50-11.00 Small recess (5-10 min)
11.00-11.45 Second Lesson
11.45-12.30 Hot lunch + juice and cookies (45 min)
12.30-13.00 Church music and tradition / possibility for confession
13.00-13.45 Third Lesson
14.00 Holy Mass for children and their families.
14.45 Time to go home.
I would like to emphasize that the participation in the Holy Mass is a very important part of your child’s religious education. The Masses on these Saturdays, and always, are meant for everyone, the whole family. I invite all to participate in the Mass!
Parents participate in covering some cost of these classes: donation of €10 per child per Saturday (siblings: 8€/person). This gift covers the cost of the electricity, water, heating, food and the books. But I would like to emphasize, that the most important thing is that the child takes part in these classes. If a family’s financial situation is difficult, there is no charge for the classes.
I ask you to please check that the children have slippers along when they come to class. Boots and other “outdoor” school equipment are not to be worn inside the rooms, where the children have their classes.
B. Catechetical teaching in schools (2023/2024)
Catholic religion is being taught in the following schools:
- In Tampere: Finnish International School of Tampere (Fista), North-Hervanta School, Juhannuskylä School and Annala School.
- In Ylöjärvi: Siivikkala School.
- In Pirkkala: Nuoliala School.
Please inform the head of the school, that you want Catholic instructions for your children in schools mentioned above. The rule is that if there are at least 3 Catholic students in the school, the principal must arrange a Catholic lesson for them. A Catholic religion teacher, who is our parishioner, works in the Tampere and surrounding county’s schools as a teacher of the Catholic religion. She is Luz Syvänen (tel. +358 45 854 4855; email: [email protected]). You can ask her about any issue connected with Catholic religious teaching in school for your children.
May God bless you all abundantly.
Tampere, 03.08.2023
Fr Tri Nguyen
Parish Priest of the Holy Cross Church
tel. +358 50 361 7942 email: [email protected] tai [email protected]
Information about Catechism classes for school-aged Children
in our Parish from Tampere and the surroundings
Dear parents, your child/children can participate in the Catholic religion class either in our church building (A) or in school (B), if the Catholic religion class is being given in your child’s school.
A. Catholic religion class in our church building (2023/2024)
The Holy Cross Parish of Tampere offers the Catholic religious instruction during the school terms of 2023/2024 in our church building in Tampere at Amurinkuja 21. We invite all children and young people, who do not receive the Catholic religion class in their schools, to participate. Children come to the church about once a month on Saturday at 9:50 am.
These Saturdays of the 2023 autumn term and of the 2024 spring term are:
Sat 26.08.2023 Sat 20.01.2024
Sat 23.09.2023 Sat 17.02.2024
Sat 14.10.2023 Sat 16.03.2024
Sat 18.11.2023 Sat 20.04.2024
Sat 09.12.2023 Sat 18.05.2024
All school-aged children who do not participate in Catholic religious classes in their school are called to this Catechetical teaching.
Please note that children who live outside of Tampere also attend these classes.
It is my hope, that, in spite of the difficulties involved, parents will bring their children to these classes and help the children participate with willingness and joy. During these classes we try to build a Catholic identity and self-esteem, so that they will feel at home in the vast Catholic family. So I ask you, dear parents, to care for the seeds, which are sown during the classes. Please talk to your children about faith; pray with them; share your own thoughts and experiences and be a good example for them. Let us together try to be the living stones of Christ’s Church.
The program for the Saturday classes is as follows:
9.50 Gathering in the parish hall
10.00 Short prayer together in the church
10.05-10.50 First Lesson
10.50-11.00 Small recess (5-10 min)
11.00-11.45 Second Lesson
11.45-12.30 Hot lunch + juice and cookies (45 min)
12.30-13.00 Church music and tradition / possibility for confession
13.00-13.45 Third Lesson
14.00 Holy Mass for children and their families.
14.45 Time to go home.
I would like to emphasize that the participation in the Holy Mass is a very important part of your child’s religious education. The Masses on these Saturdays, and always, are meant for everyone, the whole family. I invite all to participate in the Mass!
Parents participate in covering some cost of these classes: donation of €10 per child per Saturday (siblings: 8€/person). This gift covers the cost of the electricity, water, heating, food and the books. But I would like to emphasize, that the most important thing is that the child takes part in these classes. If a family’s financial situation is difficult, there is no charge for the classes.
I ask you to please check that the children have slippers along when they come to class. Boots and other “outdoor” school equipment are not to be worn inside the rooms, where the children have their classes.
B. Catechetical teaching in schools (2023/2024)
Catholic religion is being taught in the following schools:
- In Tampere: Finnish International School of Tampere (Fista), North-Hervanta School, Juhannuskylä School and Annala School.
- In Ylöjärvi: Siivikkala School.
- In Pirkkala: Nuoliala School.
Please inform the head of the school, that you want Catholic instructions for your children in schools mentioned above. The rule is that if there are at least 3 Catholic students in the school, the principal must arrange a Catholic lesson for them. A Catholic religion teacher, who is our parishioner, works in the Tampere and surrounding county’s schools as a teacher of the Catholic religion. She is Luz Syvänen (tel. +358 45 854 4855; email: [email protected]). You can ask her about any issue connected with Catholic religious teaching in school for your children.
May God bless you all abundantly.
Tampere, 03.08.2023
Fr Tri Nguyen
Parish Priest of the Holy Cross Church
tel. +358 50 361 7942 email: [email protected] tai [email protected]