Tilannetta kannattaa seurata, koska juuri nyt tartunnat ovat nousussa. Taitaa johtua virusmuunnoksesta ja ihmisten enenevästä liikkumisesta toistensa parissa ja ulkomailla käymisestä. Tarkkana pitää olla. Siivous, käsihygienia, tuuletus ja testaus ovat tärkeitä.
No pre-registration for the Mass
So far, there are no more corona-based assembly restrictions in the Pirkanmaa Hospital District. Thus, there is no need to register for the Holy Mass in advance, and anyone interested can attend. But you should still remember to use a mask and manual disinfection and safety intervals.
It is worth monitoring the situation, because right now infections are on the rise. Probably due to virus modification and the increasing movement of people with each other and going abroad. You have to be careful. Cleaning, hand hygiene, ventilation and testing are important.
Isä/Fr Tri Nguyen
Khra / parish priest