Beloved parishioners, thank you for your love of God, the Church and us, the priests, which you demonstrate in many different ways. We rejoice in the fact that we, together with you, are able to build up our parish. Our wish to you is that the love of God will fill your hearts during the New Year and throughout your lives.
Fr. Zenon Strykowski SCJ Fr. Stanislaw Zawilowicz SC |
My parish is composed of people like me.
I help make it what it is.
It will be friendly, if I am.
It will be holy, if I am.
Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.
It will do great work, if I work.
It will be prayerful, if I pray.
It sill make generous gifts to many causes if I am a generous giver.
It will bring others into its worship, if I invite and bring them.
It will be a parish of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, of compassion, charity, and mercy, if I who make it what it is, am filled with these same things.
Therefore, with the help of God, I now dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my parish to be. Amen.